Step 1

Learn basic islamic concepts

The word "Islam" means "surrender" or "submission" to the will of Allah.

It is based on the belief in one God and the acceptance of the Quran as the final, unaltered word of Allah. Islam emphasizes the importance of worshiping Allah alone, living a moral life, and following the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the core acts of worship and practice: faith, prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. The impact of Islam is vast, influencing not only religious beliefs but also laws, culture, and social systems across the world.

The foundation of Islam is rooted in its belief in the oneness of God, the importance of following the teachings of the Quran and Hadith and striving to live in peace, justice, and harmony with others.

Step 2

Basic Quran knowledge

The Holy Quran is the word of Allah

The Holy Quran is the word of Allah revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over a period of approximately 23 years. It is composed of 114 chapters, called Surahs, and covers a wide range of topics, including guidance for personal conduct, law, morality, and spirituality. The importance of the Quran in Islam cannot be overstated, as it serves as the primary source of guidance for Muslims in all aspects of life.

It is considered the final revelation from God, confirming and superseding previous scriptures. The Quran’s origin is divine, and it was revealed in the Arabic language, preserved in its original form for over 1,400 years. Reading and reflecting on the Quran is highly rewarding for Muslims, as it is believed to bring spiritual growth, peace, and closeness to God. It is said that reading the Quran brings immense rewards, including forgiveness of sins, blessings in this life and the hereafter, and guidance toward a righteous life.

Step 3

Qaida & Tajweed Rules

Qaida is a foundation of learning basic rules of reading the Quran

particularly focusing on pronunciation and phonetics in Arabic. It is designed to help learners recognize and pronounce the Arabic letters and words correctly before moving on to reading the Quran itself.

Tajweed, on the other hand, refers to the set of rules governing the correct pronunciation, articulation, and recitation of the Quranic words. It ensures that each letter is pronounced from its proper place in the mouth and that the correct vowels and sounds are applied.

Both Qaida and Tajweed are essential for reading the Quran accurately. Without mastering these skills, one may mispronounce words, which could alter the meaning or essence of the Quranic message. Therefore, learning Qaida and Tajweed ensures that the Quran is recited in the way it was revealed, preserving its linguistic beauty and spiritual integrity.

Step 5


Congratulations to our Student of the Week, whose dedication and hard work continue to inspire us.